11th - 17th November 2011
So I decided to stay a bit longer, been faffing around with immigration a lot, had two days of feeling rough and it rained a lot so wanted to stay and do some more surfing really! :P
Had planned to explore more of Bali but the beach and the good surfing sucked me in and that's pretty much all Ive done for the whole time, will explore Bali more when I come back to Indonesia next time!
Haven't surfed for a very long time and its so cheap to rent a board here, the waves are great, and the water is really warm.. easy to spend all day in the water without realising it. Board hire for a day is just a couple of quid depending where you go, so its cheap as nuts. Get up, have breakfast, walk a couple of mins to the beach, pick up surfboard on the way, good times.
When I was in India I met Tegan and Michael who are Australian, we've stayed in touch and I plan to catch up with them when I get to Australia. Tegan told me her mum Helen is in Bali so I went to meet her on Legian beach and we went for a meal which was cool as my English friends from my hostel had all flown to Thailand that day. On my last night in Bali we went to Jimbaren bay for a meal in an amazing seafood restaurant, Helen knows the owners and we got a 40% discount! woohoo.
Here are some pics I took in Bali.
One night I was walking along Poppies lane when I met this guy called Rafi who was playing a Ukulele outside his music shop. I walked past looking for somewhere to eat but stopped and turned back to chat to him. Ended up sitting there with him for about and hour and a half, he showed me how to play a song on the Ukulele :) He actually made this Ukulele himself, hand carved it and built the whole thing from scratch, I think its pretty cool. Got a vid of him playing it too.
So I decided to stay a bit longer, been faffing around with immigration a lot, had two days of feeling rough and it rained a lot so wanted to stay and do some more surfing really! :P
Had planned to explore more of Bali but the beach and the good surfing sucked me in and that's pretty much all Ive done for the whole time, will explore Bali more when I come back to Indonesia next time!
Haven't surfed for a very long time and its so cheap to rent a board here, the waves are great, and the water is really warm.. easy to spend all day in the water without realising it. Board hire for a day is just a couple of quid depending where you go, so its cheap as nuts. Get up, have breakfast, walk a couple of mins to the beach, pick up surfboard on the way, good times.
Here are some pics I took in Bali.